Sunday, August 21, 2016

Something to Say

I'm not a photographer. I am in awe of people like Michael Oberman who really and truly understand and practice the art of photography. Still, I like to take pictures. And the camera on my iPhone is a big step up from my childhood Kodak Instamatic or my high school Polaroid.

Three years ago I snapped this at a HoCo Blogs party at the Second Chance Saloon.

It has become affectionately known as, "when Bill Woodcock speaks, people listen." I'm rather proud of this one.

Bill and I both live in Oakland Mills, have both served on the Village Board, both write blogs. We're both interested in local affairs, and generally have something to say about them. Our opinions are frequently quite different. Or sometimes our opinions are similar but our methods are radically different. It doesn't matter. We keep at it.

In this picture Bill is being interviewed by two members of the local media, Luke Lavoie and Jon Sham. Neither of them still works for the Howard County Times. In fact, I don't think either of them works for a newspaper anymore.

In the meantime, we almost lost the Second Chance, the setting of this photo. A tip of the hat and a HoCoHoller to everyone who helped make it possible for them to stay open.

So, we lost the journalists, we almost lost the Second Chance, but Bill Woodcock appears to be here to stay. His newest venture is as a member of the Citizens Budget Review Committee examining the HCPSS budget. He brings plenty of professional experience to the task. I'm confident that he will serve the community well in this role.

A delightful bonus: I know he'll have something to say about it.