Friday, April 26, 2024

F ³: Jim Rouse Speaks


Who has the correct ideology to invoke the name of Rouse?

Honestly, I would like to be done with this practice now and forever. I have decided to create a new term for this: “Rouse-signalling”.

My objection is to anyone trotting out Jim Rouse’s name when it serves them - - especially when they want to win something - - as though it’s a celebrity endorsement. 

I do wonder every so often what Rouse would think of various goings-on today. Of course, if it were possible, it would be fascinating to get his take on the here and now.  - - from “The R Word”, Village Green/Town², 8/16/2022

Yesterday these words came back to me as Jim Rouse himself turned up in my inbox and spoke to me. And now he’s going to speak to you.

Jim Rouse Speaks

If you’re an expert in all things Rouse, and you are thinking, “I’ve never heard that audio clip before,” you’re right. It came to me through the technical expertise of long-time Columbian Dave Bittner. Mr. Bittner had noted my frustration earlier in the day with someone who was disparaging a new rental housing community in Wilde Lake by intoning the old local curse.

Rouse is turning over in his grave.

Bittner’s note to me began like this:

Like many who consider Columbia our “home town,” I grow weary of people breathlessly invoking the ghost of Jim Rouse any time anything the least bit controversial is proposed for our community. 

“What would Jim Rouse do?!?”

“Jim Rouse is turning in his grave…”

So, for fun, I asked Chat GPT to imagine, based on its knowledge of Jim, how he might react to current events. 


Are you familiar with James Rouse, developer of Columbia, Maryland?

This was fascinating. Also a little creepy. In all the time I’ve lamented locals dragging poor Mr. Rouse from the grave I’ve never once contemplated the possibility of Artificial Intelligence. And now here it was knocking at my door.

Let me outline the process Bittner used. First, he established that Chat GPT knew enough about Rouse to imagine how he might react to current events. Next, he asked it to turn that knowledge into an editorial describing his point of view on the development of Columbia since his death. Then…insert drumroll here…

Now rewrite it as if James Rouse were presenting his thoughts to an audience of Columbia, Maryland residents.

And it did. It’s uncanny. Here is the opening paragraph of “ChatGPT: James Rouse's Reflections on Columbia, Maryland: A Visionary's Address.” 

My dear friends and residents of Columbia,

As I stand before you today, in spirit and legacy, I am overwhelmed with a profound sense of pride and a slight touch of concern. When we embarked on this grand adventure to create not just a city but a community, our aspirations were as lofty as the ideals we cherished—social equity, environmental stewardship, and a genuine integration of life's facets. Columbia was to be a testament to what could be achieved when we dared to imagine a different kind of urban living, one that nurtured the human spirit and embraced diversity in its warmest embrace.

It’s six paragraphs of an AI-generated Rouse giving a gentle yet astute piece of his mind and I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. Here’s the last paragraph.

The journey of Columbia is an ongoing tale of ambition, community, and hope. It is a story that each of you is writing every day through your actions, your beliefs, and your visions for the future. I stand with you, in spirit, cheering you on, as you carry forward the legacy of our shared dream. Together, we have built more than a city; we have cultivated a garden for the human spirit to thrive. Let us continue to nurture this garden, for ourselves and for the generations to come.

With all my heart and hope,

James Rouse

And now for the sprinkling of magic. Bittner explains: 

So, to continue this little technological magic trick, I ran one of Jim’s speeches through a voice cloning system, and fed that the last paragraph of the speech I had ChatGPT generate. The results are not perfect, but it’s spookily good with no tweaking or adjustments. There are systems out there that are capable of much more accurate renditions than this one. This one was free.

That’s what we heard above. Remember?

Today is Rouse’s birthday. (Facebook reminded me.) This image was posted by Barbara Kellner, then the Columbia Archives Director, on the centenerary of Rouse’s birth in 2014.

Who speaks for Jim Rouse today? It’s hard to say. As AI-generated words, images, and sounds wash into our world faster than we can process their value or veracity, will bad actors ever attempt to harness Rouse’s sometimes ‘saintly’ public image for influence or profit? Perhaps I’m a bit cynical after (checks notes) a mere 25 years in the New American City. Haven’t people been doing that all along without benefit of AI?

One thing I noticed both in Mr. Bittner’s notes and in his careful process was a complete lack of cynicism. He shared what he had learned without any dictates of how it should be received or interpreted.

I find it insightful and amusing, but above all a gentle reminder of the kind spirit of Jim. As a kid growing up in Columbia I was lucky enough to have met him several times, and he always left a positive impression. 

My guess is that some will find this exercise creepy, weird, or even downright distasteful. And that’s fine. Those folks aren’t wrong. 

Many thanks to Mr. Bittner for reaching out and for allowing me to share his work. 

Who speaks for Jim Rouse today?

Village Green/Town² Comments


Forgive me, I didn’t have a brief bio of Mr. Bittner at the ready, so I have lifted this directly from LinkedIn.  - - jam

Dave Bittner is Producer and host of The CyberWire Podcast, the top-ranking daily cybersecurity podcast in the world according to iTunes. 

Over twenty years experience in digital media, video and television production and interactive technology. Developed award winning interactive training programs for a variety of industries, and produced countless corporate, industrial and broadcast programs as co-owner of Pixel Workshop. 

A skilled public speaker, voice-over artist, emcee, actor and singer. 

Specialties: video production, editing, camera, director of photography, voice over, creative services, public speaking, writing, Steadicam®, podcasting, social media, marketing, motion graphics, music, theater.