Today from 10 am to 2 pm, the outdoor Farmers Market is back at Clarksville Commons with a Spring Preview edition. Here’s the link to the event page.
And - - bonus! - -
This event was originally scheduled for March 2nd but was rained out.
Thinking about the weather over the last week it feels as though we’ve been experiencing a Spring Preview of just about any kind of weather you can name, often in quick succession. I’d just as soon experience it all spread out over a period of months, thank you. Throw in earthquakes and an eclipse of the sun and our preview of Spring this year has been a bit over the top.
If you look at the number of HoCoLocal events coming up you can see we’re about to be inundated with an explosion of opportunities. Many are dependent on good or at least mild weather. We’ll see how that goes.
Some other things happening today:
TedxRiverHillHS, 11 am - 12:30 pm, River Hill High School
Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue at Manor Hill, 12 - 7 pm
2024 Daffodil Day Celebration, Whipps Garden Cemetery, 10 am - 2 pm
Annual PTA Yard Sale, Phelps Luck Elementary School, 8 am - 11 am
Violin, Cello, Piano Trio, Horowitz Center Smith Theater at HCC, 7:30 pm
In Old Ellicott City this evening:
Of course there are more local events than this small sampling. Go to your Facebook Events listings and check them out. And don’t forget to check out what’s happening at your local HCLS library, too.
Got plans? Looking forward to having no plans? Let me know.