Sunday, August 4, 2024

Some Competitions Should Be Retired


The Howard County Fair has officially begun and a chance glimpse at a photo from an event reminded me of my strong aversion to a particular sort of contest. Eating contests. 

Yes, I know these have been going on for quite some time and they certainly don’t originate locally. But I find them truly repulsive. First: they are colossal waste of food when we know that people go hungry for the lack of it. Second: eating more than your body needs or would normally choose to eat is physically bad for you. It absolutely can make you sick.

Maybe there was a time when this was not fully understood but certainly we are better informed now. Aren’t we? 

There are plenty of opportunities at county fairs for participation and competition that don’t require potential self harm. Haven’t we reached the point in our civilization when we can dispense with watching people gorge themselves in a timed event? 

In addition to the food waste aspect, there’s also the fact that many people have issues with food which cause distorted thinking, eating, and body image. Continuing to host events that reward eating as “sport” just feels nonsensical and insensitive to me. 

There are plenty of time-worn traditions at county fairs that are worth honoring and continuing. Eating contests aren’t one of them. Let them go. 

Village Green/Town² Comments 

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