Sunday, August 18, 2024

Time Capsule


One year ago I was writing a Saturday sampler of local events.

Five years ago I used a popular meme to discuss school redistricting.

Ten years ago I attended a soft-open event for the Columbia Lakefront Whole Foods.

It’s kind of amazing that I have an organized way to look back on what I was thinking about over the last…thirteen-ish years or so. Some issues that I cared passionately about back then have moved more into the background for me. Some problems still have not been solved. Some beautiful things have come to fruition.

On my mind today

  • This thank-you video from HCC President Daria Willis recounting her many reasons to be grateful to her staff and members of the HCC Foundation. 
  • A Facebook post from a local law firm that asks “Can women have it all?” while revealing a roomful of white people and, from what I can see, one Black woman. 
  • I’ve noticed that (at least ) two HCPSS schools (Homewood and Stevens Forest) are designated as Community Schools and I need to learn more about what that means.
  • I have come to the conclusion that they should screen who is allowed to go to restaurants in the first month. The soft open concept is obviously not for everyone.
  • How many teachers and staff do you think will get COVID during teachers meetings and building prep and will be out of commission for the first week of school? Does Central Office have a backup plan?
Whats on your mind today?

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