Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Elections Again?


I saw this post yesterday from the Village of Wilde Lake and thought - - yikes! - - Columbia elections are coming. 

Should I have said something? Would anyone take it to heart? I’ve become increasingly disillusioned about the entire process. I sure hope there are other folks out there with the kind of energy and idealism that I used to have.  

To their credit, the Columbia Association has a dedicated space on their website pertaining to elections. I went there this morning looking for deadlines. That’s a little more complicated. This is because each individual village has its own election process. So, no unified deadlines. This is not a problem for most people because you only need to be informed about what’s going on in your own village. 

If you are a blogger attempting to convey the big picture (and having put it off until the last minute) it’s rather frustrating. But I digress.

If you want to know what the process is for your particular village, go here. Two things: 1) some deadlines may already have passed. My apologies. 2) if you don’t live in Columbia I apologize for this entire post. Hopefully tomorrow’s post will be more relevant to you.

I wrote recently about how the general public seems perfectly happy to be disconnected from the entire “Columbia thing” until some new controversy arises. Then everyone gets Columbia fever and becomes an expert. Another way to say this is that most people are happy enough when things are going well. That’s not so surprising.

Right now CA and the CA Board are examining changes to how Village facilities will be operated. Is this the next big fat controversy? I don’t know. But I’d encourage you to learn more about it. 

I admit that it’s hard to get riled up about this kind of thing given the current state of national affairs. I’m just putting this out there in case folks had missed it. 

One last thing. The CA Board positions are often seen as the Big Deal prizes in Columbia elections. I’d like to put in a word for serving on Village Boards. It’s not glamorous work but it’s solid, helpful, relationship-building community work. In most cases they are honestly striving to do good and in too many cases they take a lot of unnecessary guff. I salute them. 

Where we are headed we will need a good deal more relationship building and community support. If you’re the kind of person who wants to help, this might be a good place to start.

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