Sunday, March 23, 2025

A Birthday Gift

Since today is my birthday I suppose I can pretty much do what I want. So I’m going to tell you about a moment in a news story that made me smile this week. 

Yes, there’s the Banner article about the Howard County flag design. Did you notice the words below?

Esen Paradiso doesn't think Howard County has straight lines. Rather, the farmland showcases the county's curves, while the aqueducts and the Chrysalis amphitheater at Merriweather Park both boast arches. She incorporated these characteristics into her design entry for a new county flag. - - Jess Nocera, Baltimore Banner

The Chrysalis.

Image courtesy of the Inner Arbor Trust 

The Chrysalis amphitheater was dedicated in April of 2017 and this week it was referenced as one of the inspirations for a new Howard County flag. That’s breathtaking. 

We live in a place where it’s almost impossible to get up at a public meeting to speak without being asked “How long have you been here?” The Chrysalis, whose dedication kicked off the opening of Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods, has become one of the definitive images in our community in less than ten years.

That makes me smile not simply because the Chrysalis is both a fun and beautiful thing to look at. It’s because of what it represents:

We often get asked “why free?” Free performances are the most fundamental way in which we can meaningfully bring arts and culture to the entire community we serve. Our mission is “to promote and nurture a park in a unique natural setting for a variety of arts and culture experiences that enrich the entire community.” To embrace the entire community we need to make sure there are high quality, inviting performances for no charge. Both to make sure that we embrace everyone across the economic spectrum, but also so we can reduce the barrier to experiencing art, especially something new. Free is far more than an obligation created in our founding documents - free is a conscious choice we make to fulfill our mission. - - Inner Arbor Trust website for Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods

The arts are for everyone. That’s not just something that’s nice to say. If you mean it, then you ought to live it. Remove obstacles. Open doors. Expand horizons. The Park combines arts experiences with the opportunity to be immersed in nature in a space that is welcoming to everyone. The Inner Arbor Trust has  created a place that is both healing and empowering. 

And you, my friends, are welcome there.

The 2025 Chrysalis season kicks off this month on April 12th. Sign up for the newsletter now so you won’t miss anything.

It has become the fashion in recent years to ask folks for birthday donations* to a beloved cause. I’d rather ask you to come to the Chrysalis this season. Bring a lawn chair or rent one. Bring a picnic or buy food onsite. Come on your own, bring your family, bring a friend. Hum along, clap your hands. 

Dance on the lawn. 

Just think. A place that was created purely to welcome everyone, to bring people together and bring them joy is embedded in what may very well be the new Howard County flag. I know that it has absolutely nothing to do with my birthday, but: it’s still a very welcome gift.

Village Green/Town² Comments

*Should you be moved to make a donation, rest assured that the Park welcomes both small change and major funding. 

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