Friday, September 27, 2019

Long Weekend

Today is the last day to vote in the Best of Howard Readers Poll. Due to local goings on, I haven’t campaigned much but I’d appreciate your vote. I still think that, in the end, I have the best readers around and I don’t need a contest to know that. I’m grateful for community support of the blog, especially right now.

I’m looking forward to a long weekend. Will we get any true Fall-like weather that will motivate me to do some much-postponed organizational tasks? Seems questionable. Perhaps if I spring into action early in the day, I’ll catch the coolers temps. Fall is probably my favorite season but it certainly is taking its time to arrive.

I’ve got a car to clean out, some recent Elevate Maryland episodes to listen to, and perhaps a haircut to fit in. I have an interesting blog post to finish up, the kind that requires a weekend.

I was inspired by this from Threw Mike’s Eyez blog:

  • My goal for tomorrow is to fill a trashcan of old junk and get rid of it. Well, I do have a lot more goals than that, but that might be the hardest. 
We’ve got a whole lot of old junk in Columbia/Howard County, don’t we? It’s proving to be quite difficult to get rid of.

Whatever you have planned for the weekend, I hope it’s a good one.