Monday, September 16, 2019

New Fangled

I am old, I am old, I am old. 

They’ve changed the formatting for voting in the Best Of Howard Readers Poll and it’s driving me out of my mind. All I want is one button to push when you have finished making your selections that tallies your choices and responds, “Thank you! Your vote has been recorded.” Would that be too much to ask? 

Something about this reminds me of my mother and the food processor. 

As a newlywed, I adored my food processor. Back then I cooked everything from scratch and it was one of the wedding presents that got frequent use. So, I tried to talk my mother into getting one. She was still chopping everything in a wooden chopping bowl. Her resistance amazed me.

"How do you make sure that the plastic pusher-thing doesn't get sliced off by the blades?" She asked, doubtfully.

"It doesn't! Trust me! And besides, do you think they could

successfully market something that got sliced up as soon as you used it?"  I wasn't very patient with her line of thinking.

Now I’m the one with the less-than-flexible line of thinking.

Still I must attempt to adjust to a changing world. So I’m casting my votes daily despite being quite unsure as to whether they are being registered. 

Have you been voting? How’s it going for you? Am I the only one having difficulty coping? Something else that’s new: this year you need to register for a personalized link to vote. You don’t need to be a subscriber. But you will only be able to vote once per day, not once per device per day.

I have a some personal favorites in the line-up this year. I thought I’d put in a good word for a few.

Childcare: Bet Yeladim Preschool
Kids Activities: Chrysalis Kids
Annual Festival/Event: Fantasywood Festival
Best Special Event Venue: Chrysalis 
Performing Arts Group: Columbia Orchestra
Best Farmers Market: Oakland Mills Sunday Market 
Best Principal: Nancy Thompson, Talbott Springs Elementary 

Of course, you may have other ideas. Columbia/HoCo folks can be mighty particular about such things.

Then there’s that Blog thing. Thanks to you, I won it last year. Winning feels good, no doubt about that. I work hard on the blog and care a lot about the community topics I explore. But maybe it will be someone else’s turn this year. 

We’ll see. It may be that all these clicks are being sucked into a 
vortex and expelled into the universe.

Here’s the link. Now, go vote!