Wednesday, July 15, 2020

I Don’t Buy It

I am puzzled by the Governor’s new book release. Of all the things he could be doing right now to make life better for Marylanders, a memoir that paints his years in office as the exploits of a tough guy against the lawless is not remotely useful.

I gave Mr. Hogan credit for his work at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. But that was because I made the assumption that he was going to follow through. He hasn’t. Hogan just seemed to...lose interest. He started strong and then - - boom! - - he made decisions that essentially threw county executives around the state under the bus. After that it was back to Hogan as usual, criticizing and passing judgement on anyone whose choices differed from his own.

No collaboration. No teamwork. No attempt to lift up local leaders to lend credibility to their efforts.

Did he get bored? Did someone in Washington tell him to lay off? I have no idea. But Mr. Hogan started with so much political capital on this issue and squandered it. I’m embarrassed to say I thought he was truly going to take care of the people of Maryland. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, despite my many disagreements with his political views and past decisions.

I sure look foolish now.

Perhaps at the height of making those pandemic decisions the Governor got sidetracked by putting the finishing touches on his book, or planning the upcoming publicity campaign. It’s hard to say. Perhaps he decided that it’s not my good opinion that matters but rather those good ol’ folks who think that the coronavirus is a hoax and that removing statues of racists is un-American. They’ll probably buy his book. 

I won’t.