Thursday, January 28, 2021

Our Old Futility Rites


Every year I make my pitch for why you should run for your Village Board in Columbia, or for a seat on the Columbia Council. In recent years these posts have become more fatalistic in their tone. To be honest, results each year in Village elections show that most folks don’t know and/or don’t care. And, for those who do take the leap to get involved, there’s often a long-standing environment of power-hoarding in place that can be mightily discouraging to newcomers.

Lucky for me, and you, this year’s “why you should run for your Village Board” comes from The Merriweather Post, complete with charts, statements from past candidates, details and some history. 

Village Boards and the Columbia Council, explained

You get a break this year from hearing me whine at you about why you should care, and a set of fresh eyes on a topic that deserves all the perspective it can get. Put simply: we need new people, younger people, and people from diverse backgrounds to get involved in CA and Village governance. The longer we keep letting someone else do it the farther we slide from being the kind of people-driven community Columbia was meant to be.

A shoutout to Jeremy Dommu  at The Merriweather Post for putting this together. How about it, folks? What would it take for you to throw your hat in the ring?