Thursday, August 3, 2023

Help Wanted


Welcome to Day Two of wonky internet. I confess that my stubby, fat fingers are ill-equipped to write a blog on a smartphone. 

Begging your indulgence, I’m going to bring back a post from ten years ago about a stop sign.

Civics Lesson, HoCo Style, Village Green/Town², July 31, 2013

Have you ever needed to report something to the County or to the Columbia Association that needed to be fixed in some way? How was that experience? Did you learn anything you hadn’t known before?

Recently the County publicized a way to ask questions which I thought was pretty cool. It’s called ASK Howard County.

“Do you live in Howard County, need help, and not sure who to ask?

Our team at Howard County Government remains committed to ensuring a responsive government. If you have questions or concerns, or are trying to access County services, but are not quite sure who to contact, email us so we can assist you further. Together, we'll ensure everyone has access to the best quality of life and resources available!”

I tested it out and got a prompt and helpful answer. And no, I did not ask is they had Prince Albert in a can or if their refrigerator was running. Do you have any HoCo-centric questions that need answering? Try it out!

I’m hoping to be back on the iPad tomorrow for some F ³.