Monday, August 14, 2023

Learning and Unlearning


Do you enjoy learning new things? I think most of us would say yes. I watched a television program the other night that was part of a series called Civilizations. The episode was entitled “The Most Enduring Art Form”

Our compulsion to create images of ourselves is one of the most intimate and defining statements on who we think we are.

It was fascinating. I found myself drawn in quickly.

But what about learning experiences that challenge things that you feel you already know, or encourage you to reexamine long held beliefs? Often we are not so keen on pursuing those.

Some years back I took a graduate course in history taught by Frank Shivers. He introduced us to the book “I Love Paul Revere, Whether He Rode or Not” by Richard Shenkman. Reading it was an unsettling experience. Shenkman pokes holes in many of the historical stories I grew up with and had long assumed were true. Yes, it was educational, and made me realize I had to look at history with a more discerning eye, but I can’t say I truly enjoyed it.

It can be difficult to let go of stories and assumptions that have gradually, over time, become almost a part of you. Or it can be eye-opening and exhilarating. I’d settle for at least some of both. It’s a process.

All of this is a lead-up to an event this Friday being held at Freetown Farm. Presented by the Anti-Racist Education Alliance, it’s a part of their ongoing series called Unlearn University.  It will be held outdoors.

The focus of the event is Anti-Racism 101: Back to Basics. From the event description:

What to expect:

After a brief introduction, attendees will rotate through 6 small table discussions where a facilitator will cover a different topic at each table. We understand that everyone will have varying levels of comfort with the topics discussed, and while we encourage sharing and questioning, we also welcome anyone who would prefer to just listen and learn.

Refreshments and on-site childcare will be provided.

The event is from 4-6 PM this Friday, August 18th at Freetown Farm. Admission is ten dollars which can be paid in advance or at the door. You can register here

I’m going with a friend. Perhaps you will, too. Here’s a bit more about anti-racism to get you thinking.