We have a restaurant called Toastique and one called Jam. We have another, just opened, called Another Broken Egg. Why do we not have one of these in Columbia/HoCo?
I really know nothing about this photo except that is clearly wasn’t taken here and that it depicts a restaurant called The Baked Potato Shop. (I’m pretty sure it’s in Edinburgh.) It’s very likely a place where one can get baked potatoes with all sorts of hearty toppings, say: baked beans and grated cheese, cheese and broccoli, chicken tikka masala, beef stew or cottage pie sorts of topping, perhaps even sausage.
Nope, scratch that. The fine print in the photo says vegetarian. (Slogan: “The Hottest Tatties in Town!”) But certainly other baked potato places in the UK serve meat options. I’m sure sausage figures in there somewhere. Making a potato the center of a meal is considered a thrifty way to fill hungry bellies and not overspend from the family budget. Perhaps potato restaurants keep their prices easy on the budget as well.
In the UK baked potatoes are often called “Jacket Potatoes” but I don’t suppose that sounded right as a restaurant name. For myself, I’ve always thought that jacket potatoes sound like something out of a child’s cartoon show.
I digress.
I would definitely patronize a local baked potato-themed restaurant although I imagine folks might find potato-heavy meals less appealing in the hot, humid Maryland summer weather. I see that Annapolis has Potato Valley. Baltimore has a Lexington Market business called The Dancing Potatoes. I wonder if they experience summer slump? Some folks just don’t experience cravings for traditionally hearty food until the weather begins to turn and one thinks of putting on a sweater.
Ooh. Perhaps what we need is a culinary van* that does snowballs in summer and baked potatoes the rest of the time?
Would you enjoy having a local baked potato establishment? What toppings would you be hoping for?
*I’m sorry - - did I mean food truck?