Monday, January 2, 2017

Short Trip, Long Reach

"Are you from Long Reach?"

I was chatting with a young couple who'd just come in and sat down at the party.

"Oh, no, I'm from Oakland Mills. Are you from Long Reach?"

"Yes, we just walked over."

Oh my goodness, I spend so much time focusing on the affairs of my own village. It was rather fun to be from "out of town" at a party last night. I don't know anywhere near enough about the Village of Long Reach, and it's about time I worked on fixing that. Goals for the New Year, and all.

What do I know about Long Reach? I worked in the High School one summer as a paraeducator supporting summer school classes. I used to shop at the Safeway....hmm...the Art Center is there...I went to an Arts Festival there once...

Not enough.

Clearly I need to talk to more people who are Long Reach-centric. For heaven's sake, it's only four minutes from my house. I ought to be better informed. If you are from Long Reach,what do I need to know? History? Community? Current events? I'm all ears.

As the evening wore on I talked with folks from all over Columbia: Wilde Lake, Town Center, Owen Brown, Oakland Mills. Topics of conversation? Ah, that would be telling. I can't imagine that anyone would talk to me at parties anymore if I started turning them into blog posts willly-nilly.

I can tell you that I'm looking forward to having a tour of the Chrysalis soon. And I'll definitely be writing about that.

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