Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Taste Of Things to Come

I stopped by the Downtown Branch of the Library yesterday afternoon to replenish my stack of read aloud books for my littles at school. The weather was gorgeous. I decided to pop over to the Chrysalis. I was surprised to see a patch of snow untouched by the high temperatures.

It was probably in the 70’s and yet here was a reminder of our one-day snow event on Saturday. Crazy Maryland weather. I backed up to give you a better view, one of my favorites.

I don’t want to rush the seasons but I am look forward to another year of community events at the Chrysalis.

Over at Merriweather, there’re busy raising the roof and they could use your help. The Downtown Arts and Culture Commission has launched a fundraiser to support “arts, culture, and community programming”.  Any amount helps. Donations over $30.00 will get you a t-shirt. Considering that you’ve probably been there and done that, don’t you want the t-shirt, too? 

Councilman Calvin Ball has officially filed to run for County Executive. He’ll be the guest of Tom Coale and Candace Dodson Reed on the Elevate Maryland podcast this week. I wonder what his most unpopular benign opinion is?