Monday, February 5, 2018

Rainy Days and Sundays

What a crazy day yesterday. I found myself out in the pouring rain running errands in the middle of the afternoon. My attempt to get my hair cut at Floyd’s in Ellicott City was thwarted by the fact that they were packed with people trying to make it in under the early closing deadline of five o’clock. Yep, closing early for the Super Bowl. Who knew?

If I thought that Floyd’s was popular, nothing could have prepared me for my next stop. Every single parking place was filled. Cars were circling slowly for a space. I drove around. And around. On the fourth circuit I finally nabbed one. It was a bit far from the entrance but I claimed victory anyway. It was clear that the most important place to be yesterday was this place.

Yes, the library. The Miller Branch in Ellicott City, to be precise. My home branch in East Columbia has been closed for renovations (reopening this Saturday!) so I’ve been making the trek over here for my preschool read-aloud needs. If you have any doubts whatsoever as to whether our libraries fill a need in our community, you should try to find a parking place on a Sunday afternoon.

I hear they’re gearing up for some sort of retro fundraising event. I know a local “DJ” who’d appreciate your support in her bid to be the top fundraiser for the Library’s programs. Take a look at her retro playlist here. I hope you’ll consider a donation that will Elevate her to the top of the list.

My last errand yesterday was to Party City in Columbia to pick up something for my classroom. I noticed that the empty space left by Cosi appears to be close to launching as Modern Market.

Healthy food coming in 8 days. Great! Another place that I will want to go to and my family will shun. Along with Cava, I might add. Same shopping center, and, now that I think of it, Modern Market and Cava appear to be targeting an almost identical customer base. Hmm...

One last photo for the day. Dueling “holidays” at Weis Market in Oakland Mills. Overkill much?


One last thing. Today is the two-year anniversary of this post. Remember? Here’s hoping we never see this again in Howard County.

It’s slippery out there, folks. Be careful today.