Yesterday someone launched a concerted attack against someone I admire and respect and, let me tell you, that’s a whole different story. When I see someone I care about being hurt, the desire to support and defend is fierce. I don’t feel one bit like walking away. I don’t philosophize that maybe I’ll learn something. Using the internet to publicly shame someone when one might have picked up the phone or dropped them a note is dangerously close to online bullying, in my opinion. We’re supposed to stand up to bullies. Aren’t we?
Lest you think I’m nothing but a bundle of disappointment, I should let you know that I had a wonderful day at work yesterday. My students are the greatest, I adore my school. I capped off the day with a fun family dinner at Mission Barbecue. Real life was good to me.
The Internet was not.
Speaking of which:
I’m heartbroken. We love this place. It’s a real live brick and mortar book store with great prices and a quirky, ever-changing collection. Please go spend some money there and tell them not to close.
Here’s hoping for a less disappointing day today, HoCo.