But they haven’t. Yet.
Amongst the other hopefuls I know two that I am confident could do an excellent job. But I have been much more focused on what’s actually going on out there on Route 108 and in the schools, and less on the upcoming election. We have a lot of catching up to do after years of poor management, mistreatment of teachers and staff, and misplaced priorities. When it comes to the BOE, I just don’t have election fever at this point.
I feel as though we are only just now making headway and I hate to see a break in continuity. Ms. Altwerger and Ms. Vaillancourt, if you are out there reading this post, don’t give up on us just yet. Give us one more term and then hand us off when we are in better shape to make the transition.
But I don’t run the universe. Tuesday will come and I will finally have my answer.