Tomorrow, a proposed update to Grace’s Law will be read in Annapolis. Learn more here . Please take a moment to write in support of these improvements which are designed to make the bill more effective in protecting minors from online bullying. Please send your comments to by early Tuesday, February 20th.
The contest is still running for who will receive the rights to the first amateur production of the musical “Newsies”. Reservoir High School is now closing in on the lead. Keep voting every day in February!
It’s getting to be high school musical season here in HoCo. Check the hcpss website for a list of this year’s offerings. Then, buy your tickets before they sell out! Most schools have online ticket ordering now, which will make that easy for you. It’s local and affordable and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how good the productions are. Off the top of my head, I’d recommend Tarzan (Oakland Mills) and Pippin (River Hill) but look at the entire list and see for yourself.
You still have time to vote for Candace Dodson Reed as Celebrity DJ for this year’s Retro Evening in the Stacks Library Fundraiser. Make your donation here. Yes, there are other candidates, other playlists. Any donation the the library is a good donation. I’m just out here campaigning for my favorite.
Village Elections (Columbia-wide) will be Sat., April 28, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Candidate packets should be available this week. So, make up your mind already and run!
Last, but certainly not least, local blogger Scott Ewart of ScottE’s blog wants you to know that the candidate filing deadline in the state of Maryland is February 27th at 9 pm. He’s concerned that there aren’t enough BOE candidates. Me? Not so much. I’m waiting to see what the incumbents will do.
Have any time-sensitive info you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments.