Remember this?

This has certainly been a Higgledy-Piggledy week in the old HoCo. And not in a fun, positive, we love-to-be-crazy kind of way.
Howard County and the Howard Hughes Corporation appear to be taking a page out of the U.S./Russia playbook. No, it's not war, but it doesn't feel the least bit playful, either. No sanctions have been imposed. Yet.
HCPSS continues to tout World Class Education and Model Schools, while a survey of teachers shows plunging morale. Faith in the Superintendent and Board of Education has gone down as well. Not to be outdone, Rebecca Amani-Dove, speaking on behalf of the school system, doesn't seem to have much faith in parents who support Arts Education.
Democratic Candidate for County Council from District 1 Wendy Jane Royalty wants everyone to know that the Primary Election is on June 24th, and to plan accordingly. A laudable concept, except that every active Democrat in Howard County will be far too exhausted from attending house parties to be able to drag themselves out of bed to vote.
Sara Toth, beloved Education reporter for the Sun, is escaping interminable Bd of Ed Meetings to go to A Better Place. Lest we think of ourselves in Columbia as having a corner on the market when it comes to idealistic, aspirational communities, Sara is going one better--she has accepted a job at the Chautauqua Institution, where she will be a lecture associate and the assistant editor of the Chautauquan Daily. Columbia vs. Chautauqua? We didn't stand a chance.
Mom and Dad are fighting, our siblings aren't getting along, we're up all night partying, and our best friend is moving away. As my mother would've said, "well, that's a heck of a note!"
And that's the news from Higgledy Piggledy HoCo, where the Winter has been strong, the promise of Spring is good-looking, and snow totals are above average.
P.S. There probably wouldn't be a Higgledy Piggledy HoCo without the inspiration of Marshmallow Man (Bill Woodcock) who writes The 53 blog. He's looking for more "Likes" on the blog's Facebook page. You can do that here. And while you are at it, I'd love it if you "liked" mine as well. Thanks!
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