Sunday, April 3, 2016

Keeping in Touch

I get regular newsletters from my County Council representative, Calvin Ball. Sometimes I read them thoroughly, sometimes I just skim, but they are a great resource for keeping in touch with what's going on in my district, and in Howard County at large. But even better than the regular newsletters are the Construction Newsletters.

Here's the link to the most recent newsletter. I needed to download an app called Scribd to view it on my iPad. But it's easy enough to email Dr. Ball and ask to get on the email distribution list. (

Maybe I am just a Howard County local news geek, but I love the Construction Newsletter. You want to know how some big project like the Chrysalis is coming along? It's in there. What's happening with Blandair? Yep, got it. Water mains, road widening, pond dredging? Check, check, and check. What about things in the future that haven't even started yet?

Yep, that too.

The Construction Newsletter has got you covered. When you think of how many conversations you have had online that begin, "what's happening at the corner of X and Y?" You will realize why you need this newsletter. It's truly the antidote to all those Facebook threads where nothing is being shared but misinformation.

Dr. Ball and his assistant Kimberly Pruim are providing a valuable service to the county at large by taking the time to put all this information in one place where citizens can easily access it. It's the kind of forthrightness and constituent-serving action that I wish were found in another institution in the county.

Do you get regular newsletters from your Council Representative? Do you find them relevant and useful? Have you signed up for the County Executive's new newsletter? I'd love to hear your feedback.