Monday, August 22, 2022

A New Old Tournament

Major League Quidditch was in town over the weekend - - Elkridge, to be precise - - and I didn’t know anything about it. Either I am falling down on the job or there wasn’t much social media coverage this year. Of course, a quick search of my own blog shows that I shared news of the event back in February. What can I say? I didn’t put it on my personal calendar.

A quick note on the sport of Quidditch: it is being renamed Quadball. You can learn more at their website. I rather like their slogan:

Quadball is a sport for all. Chaos is part of its charm.

In an attempt to redeem myself in the arena of local sports coverage, I have a brand new, HoCoLocal event to share with you today. The Old Ellicott Cup.

From The Old Ellicott Cup Website

The Old Ellicott Cup, organized and promoted by Shawn M. Smith, is a bubble hockey tournament. It will take place September 24th in Old Ellicott City. You’ll never guess where.

Bubble hockey? What’s that? Well, maybe it’s not a sport in the traditional sense. Bubble hockey burst onto the scene in 1982 when a company (now called Super Chexx) released a table hockey game that featured a clear plastic bubble over the top of the playing area. The company has continued to add new features over the years, such as push buttons for sound effects. Apparently it’s wildly popular. You can watch game play on YouTube.

Mr. Smith, a digital marketing professional and creator of a course called Clever Digital Marketing, appears to be using his professional skills to promote his love of bubble hockey and to get this new tournament off the ground.

The Old Ellicott Cup has a short history, but a great one. From our humble beginnings as a basement bubble hockey tournament to representing the DMV proudly in other regional tournaments, we've learned one thing for sure: The passion for playing and watching bubble hockey runs deep in this region.

Born in a basement. Lifted from local obscurity by one man who envisions tournament play - - in the Baltimore and Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum in Ellicott City, Maryland.

From The Old Ellicott Cup Website*

The event already has a corporate sponsor: Window Nation, and has swag on offer for purchase at the website. One thing it doesn’t have, or hasn’t yet revealed, is an actual cup. “Hoisting the cup” as a winner is alluded to on the website, so I think it is meant to be a real, physical object. And there will be prizes. No word yet on what they will be. 

Have you ever played bubble hockey? Would you be excited to participate in tournament play? Take a look at the website and see what you think. Mark your calendar for September 24th so it won’t sneak up on you. You can follow Smith on Twitter @ShawnMSmith and watch plans for the tournament unfold. The Old Ellicott Cup is also on Facebook and Instagram.

 *Original photo from website.