Yesterday began with a blissfully cool morning that put me in mind of the coming of Fall. All sorts of thoughts tumbled into my consciousness: leaves changing, trips to the farm for pumpkins, getting ready for going back to school. Adverts on tv and social media have been trying to sell me on the inevitability of the end of the summer season. It wasn’t until I felt that hint in the weather that I could truly take it seriously.
The HiLights newsletter from the Howard County Library System reminded me that it’s that time of year again:
Here’s the link to the supply list. Questions? You can reach out to Prepare for Success by email: or by telephone: 443-535-1625. Remember, if it’s not easy or convenient for you to get out to the shops, you can order from their Amazon Wish List or send a direct donation. Here’s the link to their website with the necessary information:
I wrote last year about how providing school supplies was a valuable way to remove obstacles to school success.
Beginnings are important. They often set the tone for what is to follow. A brand-new backpack and supplies gives a student a sense of being a part of the school community rather than being set apart because of poverty. If that helps these students feel better about themselves and gives them the tools they need for learning then their own universes are set to expand. It gives them more opportunities to make learning connections which will make their worlds bigger.
There are a variety of local groups in Columbia/HoCo that are holding school supply give-away events. It’s good to see the community engaging in lifting up children and families in this way. Donating school supplies seems to be something that everyone can get behind. I have yet to see any complaints. And, thank goodness for that.
The other day I saw a photograph shared from such an event and it made me happy to see that it had been taken in such a way that the recipients were not “on display” for the viewer. While it’s a wonderful thing to give, it’s not wonderful to force one’s neighbors to “out” themselves as being in need of charity in order to receive it. If you’ve never had to stand in line to get things which are basic necessities, you might not understand that there may be two competing feelings at work: gratitude to be receiving what you need, shame, that you can’t provide for yourself and your family.
It’s important to treat our neighbors with the respect and empathy they deserve: the way we would want to be treated if we were in similar circumstances.
An enthusiastic HoCo Holler for Prepare for Success and all the HoCoLocal groups who are getting our kids back to school with one less obstacle in their way. Removing obstacles means improving access to learning, growing, and succeeding. A backpack full of school supplies will not do all the work for you. But it makes it possible for you to engage in the challenges ahead.
Please help if you can.