These two tweets are back to back on the account of WMAR-2 News. I kid you not.
At this point, having to cough up personal funds for classroom supplies is old news for teachers, now that issues like being accused of teaching “CRT” for teaching the truth about American history or of “grooming” children by being accepting of LGBTQ+ students have moved to the front.
Inadequate pay, untenable work hours and teaching conditions are expected. It is assumed that teachers will undertake them as proof of dedication to the job and love for the children. If they complain their words are used as proof that they are “greedy.” If they organize to provide better conditions for their students as well as themselves they are “thugs.”
Yet no one has explained to my satisfaction why they should endure the persistence of America’s gun culture which regularly reaches right into their classrooms and annihilates those same children that they love.
Let’s just stick to supplies today. What would it look like if any other highly-trained professional were required to provide the supplies that are needed to truly do their job well? Since teachers are paid by tax dollars, I’ll limit this thought experiment to others who are similarly funded.
Those who hold elected office, plus police, firefighters, state highway workers and more local road workers. Anyone else? I guess anyone who is employed in government would be included. Can you imagine your neighbor who is a representative in Annapolis or the head of a highway work crew needing to make an an Amazon Wish List or a Donors Choose account (or something similar) just to have what they need to do their jobs?
No, of course not. It would be ludicrous.
Here’s what such a list might look like:
I'm a road crew manager for a State Highway work crew. I need to make sure my team is safe on the job and has everything they need to do their best work. I’ve added water bottles and sunscreen to the list this year because not everyone on my team can afford them. I’ve chosen a higher quality reflective work vest this year because the bargain ones the state provides don’t hold up well after repeated use. Anything you can give will help my team perform their responsibilities in safety and to the highest standards of excellence. Thanks so much! - - Bob
How long do we think such publicly-funded professionals would stay on the job if they had to beg for supplies every year or pay for them out of pocket?
In Maryland politics, there’s a regular event in Annapolis jokingly referred to as the “Begathon.” From a 2017 article by Michael Dresser in the Baltimore Sun:
Defying the General Assembly, Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday that he will continue to require local school superintendents to take part in the Annapolis ritual known as the "Begathon."
The annual event compels the leaders of Maryland's 24 local school districts to appear before the Board of Public Works to justify the money they are seeking from the state. The legislature sought last year to change the process, which has long been the subject of complaints.
Entire school districts beg. Individual teachers beg. It is a deeply engrained system of supplication simply to survive.
Do police departments beg? Do individual police officers beg?
In this week’s Columbia Flier/Howard County Times:
Retirement Waves Sweeps Over Howard County Schools, Allana Haynes, Baltimore Sun
Since I’m in the mood to imagine today: imagine how much extra discretionary income they’ll have now that they won’t be supplying their classrooms. And all that extra time they won’t spend begging.