It’s the day before school starts. Around town there’s a bit of that back-to-school excitement. In Oakland Mills there’s a particular buzz around a brand new school: Talbott Springs Elementary. We’ve been listening to the old school be dismantled over the summer which has only reinforced to us the notion that the new school is about to open. We don’t have any elementary aged children. We’re still excited.
There will be an official ribbon-cutting ceremony today at one pm. This day has been a long time coming for my community. So many determined and persistent people worked to make it happen.
I’m grateful for them.
Other things happening in Columbia today:
- The Oakland Mills Farmers’ Market, 9 am to 1 pm, Robert Oliver Place
- Chrysalis Kids: 123 Andrés, 3-4 pm, Chrysalis, Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods (DJ pre show starts at 2:30)
- Columbia Concert Band, 6:30 pm, Columbia Lakefront
- Concert for the Human Family: Kory Caudill and Wordsmith, 7:30 pm, Chrysalis, Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods
All of the events listed above are free, although you’ll need money if you want to buy anything at the Farmers Market.
It felt a little bit cooler when I woke up this morning. It gave me that old familiar feeling that summer will soon be drawing to a close and new things are waiting in the wings. New beginnings. New things to learn, new people to meet, new friends to be made. Even if you haven’t set foot in a school building for many years, that little spark remains.
What will you do with that spark?