Do you participate in the Village Election process? Do you find it easy to understand and participate in?
Do you like going to a lot of meetings?
Do you like writing letters to the editor at the newspaper and hoping they get published?
How about clicking a link and sharing an idea? Does that feel more sensible and more convenient to you?
Don't say nobody asked you. The Columbia Association is asking you, and I am asking you. Your opinion matters. Your life is already full with work, family, volunteering, kids' activities...
The history of Columbia is fascinating and inspiring. I learn so much from talking to people who were here at the beginning, or who grew up in this wonderful community. But what is going to happen today and tomorrow is a challenge for all of us, and we all need to speak out.
Register on Inspire Columbia, and speak your mind while someone is really listening. After what happened at the Board Meeting on Thursday night, it is hard to predict how long a project that welcomes a variety of opinions will be allowed to continue.
Register. Speak out. Share so that your friends will do the same.