My mind is reeling this morning with a bunch of things.
"Why, why, why?"
Why did the Oakland Mills Village Board invite Cy Paumier to give a presentation on his vision for Symphony Woods, and call it "Discussion on alternatives to the Inner Arbor/Symphony Woods controversy" ?
Why is Corey Andrews back in the Board of Education race? I thought I had a good handle on why he dropped out, but I really don't get why he is dropping back in.
Why did Board Member Cynthia Vaillancourt have to file a PIA request with the Maryland State Attorney General's Office to get information about Board/School System financing of the trip to China? What kind of system are we operating if that kind of information is withheld from Board members?
Why do we keep installing more doors and more safety buzzers in our schools while we make no meaningful progress as a nation protecting our children from gun violence?
- Why is it more likely that your child will wake up sick when you have a much-anticipated day off?
- Why am I volunteering for more things that will involve going to meetings?
- Why do sooooo many candidates place signs illegally and why does I bug me sooooo much?
- Why has McDonalds discontinued frozen strawberry lemonade?