Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Big Things

I am not alone in feeling that one of the things that made life worth living this week was the birth of a little girl the day after Election Day. No matter what your political affiliation, you just have to stop in your tracks when the miracle of new life bursts upon the scene. There's nothing better for easing the cares of the day than a birth announcement, a photograph, and the promise of life going forward.

I feel the same way about the eightieth birthday yesterday of a man in my church congregation. This is someone who has faced many significant health challenges in recent years. His wife, with fierce, constant, enduring care, has seen him through every crisis. She brings to each day the determination to love. Through ordinary and extraordinary days, she is there.

And so we end the week with a girl who is four days old, and a gentleman who is eighty. And neither one would be here today without love. No matter what perspective I come to in the future about the events of this week, I will always remember how these two lives made me stop and think about what's really important.


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